A Campaign for Kindness
How do you want to be treated?
There’s a phrase, commonly known as The Golden Rule, that simply states: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” A version of this teaching can be found in almost every major religion. This universal rule holds the power to bring people together.
During the month of October leading up to the election, we are holding a campaign to encourage people to be intentional about treating one another with kindness, even those with whom we disagree. A vote for kindness is a step toward overcoming the polarization in our country through civility and respect.
As we prepare for what may be the most divisive election in our lifetime, when politics divides families and friends, neighbors and churches, what would Jesus say to us about our politics? Not which candidate or party we should vote for, but how we choose, and how we practice politics. If Jesus were walking the earth today, what would he say to Republicans and Democrats? Would you recognize him and his teaching in our public discourse? How do we talk about politics without losing our religion? And, how is it even possible to live up to Lincoln’s famous vision, given in the midst of the Civil War and rooted in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, to live “with malice towards none and charity towards all?” These are the questions we’ll be exploring at Westminster Presbyterian Church in the weeks before the election. Join us as we consider what Jesus would say about American politics.
Sermon Series: OCT 13 through NOV 10
Join us Sunday mornings: In Person @ 8:15AM & 10:30AM or Livestream HERE
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